Privacy Policy
Storage of Customer and Supplier information’s.
Processing of personal information’s related to customer registration in our CRM-system.
- To administrate customer and supplier relations, and processing customer and supplier inquiries
Which type of personal information’s do we store.
- The employee’s name, phone number, e-mail address, and general information about the company.
- VMG gathers information’s about the employee’s title and department, product interest and newsletter sign up.
- VMG gathers information’s about fair attendance interests for invitation and meeting purposes.
Lega basis for our processing of the personal information’s are as follows.
- The Danish GDPR article 6, part 1, litra b and c.
- The Danish Bookkeeping Act and Tax Announcement chapter 12 58.
Storage of the personal information’s.
- The employee’s information’s are registered in our CRM-system.
- The employee’s information’s are also registered in our Outlook.
Sharing of the personal information’s.
- VMG do not share personal information’s with a third part.
- Personal information’s are saved for as long as they are needed to maintain the customer and supplier relation and inquiries.
- The information’s are kept for 5 years until the end of the 5th year of end relation.
- Regarding shipment of goods will the forwarder or driver receive needed information in order to deliver the shipment to the customer or supplier.
- If will be informed to the customer or supplier if it is in Vitrex Medical a/s intentions to share the information’s with another purpose than already agreed upon.
Your rights
- According to GDPR it is your right to – at any time –
- Request insight, correction or deletion of your personal information’s.
- Restricted or to object against all dealings related to you.
- Have data portability IF conditions of article 20 in the Danish GDPR applies.
- Withdraw consent if this has been given.
Be aware that in most cases it is a requirement or need, to gather personal information’s in order to be customer or supplier with relation to VMG.
If you wish to make a complaint about the GDPR regulations, you will have to address the Danish DPA (Data protection Agency).
Borgergade 28, 5
1300 København K
Phone no: +45 3319 3200
Fax: +45 3319 3218